Marilee Coles-Ritchie is an education expert specializing in teaching Multilingual Learners with equity.
Marilee has over 35 years of experience working in the field of language acquisition and multicultural education. She has taught Multilingual Learners in many diverse settings, including a public high school in Douglas, Arizona, a bilingual secondary school in Quito, Ecuador, and an elementary school in the Navajo Nation. She has a Master of Teaching degree in TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) and a PhD in Cultural and Social Foundations of Education, emphasizing language education. She teaches educational foundations, qualitative research methods, and TESOL endorsement courses as a Full Professor at Westminster University in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Books by Marilee
New! Centering Multilingual Learners: An Essential How-To Guide for Secondary Teachers
Platypus Publishing, 2024
Inciting Change in Secondary English Language Programs: The Case of Cherry High School (Secondary Education in a Changing World)
Palgrave Macmillan, 2009